Delphi Based OPC UA Client SDK

OPC UA Delphi SDK Client defines a pure Delphi style interface to OPC UA service calls. Special effort has been put to the design of the Client SDK objects to make it intuitive and easy to use, also in various scenarios. The Client SDK objects enable you to design your own application logic to actually handle the data available from the OPC UA servers with minimum effort.The Client SDK includes a tutorial and a sample client application which demonstrate the usage of the Client SDK and give you a quick start to your own OPC UA client application development.

NOTE: We’re offering the Delphi based SDK from our development partner Prosys. The OPC UA Client does not yet connect with the rest of the Prosys Sentrol components that enable fast configuration of user interfaces.

Prosys Sentrol OPC UA SDK Client edition implements the necessary OPC UA client side infrastructure, enabling you to concentrate on your core competence, including:

  • Connection & Session Management
  • Subscription Management
  • Address Space Management
  • Security Certificate Management


Product Variants

EditionsWindows Binary, Windows Source
License TypesBinary Developer License (Single Seat), Source Code Developer License (Single Seat), Evaluation License
Target PlatformsWindows 32, Windows 64
DevelopmentDelphi or C++ Builder XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio

Read the complete software license agreement.

Supported Features and Profiles

  • DataAccess
  • Events
  • Methods
  • Alarms & Conditions
  • Historical Access

More detailed information can be found on the next tab.

Security None, Basic128Rsa15, Basic256, Basic256Sha256, Aes128-Sha256-RsaOaep, Aes256-Sha256-RsaPss
General Base Client Behaviour Facet, AddressSpace Lookup Client Facet, Discovery Client Facet, Multi-Server Client Connection Facet, Advanced Type Programming Client Facet, Diagnostic Client Facet, Redundant Client Facet
Data Access Attribute Read Client Facet, Attribute Write Client Facet, DataChange Subscriber Client Facet, DataAccess Client Facet, Complex Data Types
Events Event Subscriber Client Facet, Auditing Client Facet
Methods Method Client Facet
Alarms & Conditions A&C Base Condition Client Facet, A&C Address Space Instance Client Facet, A&C Enable Client Facet, A&C Alarm Client Facet, A&C Exclusive Alarm Client Facet, A&C Non-Exclusive Alarm Client Facet, A&C Previous Instance Client Facet, A&C Dialog Client Facet and A&E Proxy Facet, A&C Refresh2 Client Facet
Historical Access Historical Raw Data Server Facet, Historical Aggregate Server Facet, Historical Data AtTime Server Facet, Historical Access Modified Data Server Facet, Historical Annotation Server Facet, Historical Data Insert Server Facet, Historical Data Update Server Facet, Historical Data Replace Server Facet, Historical Data Delete Server Facet, Historical Access Structured Data Server Facet, Base Historical Event Server Facet, Historical Event Update Server Facet, Historical Event Replace Server Facet, Historical Event Insert Server Facet, Historical Event Delete Server Facet
User Token User Token - Anonymous Facet, User Token - User Name Password Server Facet, User Token - X509 Certificate Server Facet
  • UA Stack, Base Library, Client Library
  • additionally allows classic OPC Client inplemantation
  • Turorials, examples, documentation
  • support package including 5 support incidents
  • first year maintenance package


The UaGateway is designed to integrate “classic” OPC products into OPC UA Environments. Its main features are connecting UA clients to COM/DCOM Servers (Wrapper), accessing UA Servers with COM/DCOM clients (Proxy), and tunneling COM/DCOM through a secure UA connection. Please refer to the UaGateway product page for further information.

OPC UA Training

Unified Automation offers seminars, workshop, and hands-on classes to help you getting started with OPC UA and our SDK Products. Please refer to the following pages for more information.

It is also possible to book in-house training tailored to your company’s reqirements.


The book “OPC Unified Architecture” is written by Wolfgang Mahnke, Stefan-Helmut Leitner, and Matthias Damm, one of the trainers of Unified Automation.

“This book provides you a solid foundation to learn everything you could ever want to know about developing world-class products for multi-vendor interoperability based on OPC UA”, says Tom Burke, President of the OPC Foundation