High Performance OPC UA SDK V1.1.0

The new release of our latest product, the High Performance OPC UA SDK V1.1.0 is on its way. The new version will introduce the Client SDK part, a new binary file format, and UaModeler support. With Segger embOS and embOS/IP we will support new platforms. An example for Infineon XMC4700 to showcase this support will be included.

The first minor release of our High Performance OPC UA SDK V1.1.0 will introduce some exciting new features. First of all, it will include a Client SDK, enabling you not only to create lightweight servers, but also lean clients as well as applications that contain both functionalities.

The new version will help you to reduce the memory consumption by using a new binary file format for OPC UA information models. The files can either be generated with the included xml2bin tool or with UaModeler and only need a fraction of memory compared to XML based nodeset files. As another benefit, especially for embedded devices, it can be loaded without the burden of an XML parser. As an example, the Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml file with a file size of 1.4 MB is reduced to 100 KB when using our new binary file format.

Just like our other SDK products, the new High Performance OPC UA SDK will now fully be supported by UaModeler, our handy tool to design information models and generate ready-to-use source code. Furthermore, you have the option to generate complete, ready-to-compile server projects.

With the new platform support for Segger embOS and embOS/IP we are now able to run on small microcontrollers. To showcase this, the new SDK version comes with an example for the Infineon XMC4700 RelaxKit, a Cortex-M4 based CPU with only 352 kB RAM. A binary evaluation version, including a step-by-step guide explaining how to cross compile for this new target, will be available for download soon.