The first OPC Unified Architecture Book, written by Wolfgang Mahnke, Stefan-Helmut Leitner and Matthias Damm one of the OPC UA trainers for Unified Automation.
Contact us to request an in-house training.
This 3-day compact training is especially suitable for in-house trainings. It addresses developers who want to quickly develop OPC UA Server and Client products. After a short intensive introduction students will start creating their own UA Server and you will get a deep insight in the UA technology. During the course students will use the C++ based or .NET based OPC UA Server SDK and will learn everything that is required to build UA products.
The target group are developers and software architects. The workshop requires base knowledge in object oriented software development and the programming language to be used.
This three day training gives a one day introduction into the new OPC platform Unified Architecture and provides an overview of the OPC UA features.
In the following two days, the students learn to move existing OPC applications to OPC UA and to create full featured OPC UA Server and Client applications.
Day 1—OPC UA Introduction
Day 2 / 3—Hands on programming
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